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Computer Science 

 The Computer Science curriculum is designed to meet the UK National Curriculum aims. 

The aim of the curriculum is to develop confident digital citizens who are ready to meet the challenges of the digital world.

Students should feel safe when using technology and the web by learning what their rights and responsibilities are, as well as how legislation can protect them while online but also respecting others whilst in the online realm.

Our students need to understand how to utilise the power of the cloud and cloud based services which can be a powerful collaborative tool.


Students are taught in mixed ability groups using a mixture of project based work and separate sub-topics which cover the National curriculum studies for Computer Science.

For more information on the levels for Computer Science please click this link.


Year 7:

  • Responsible Use of Computers: Introduction to Computer Science – school systems, SMHW, Email & AUP; File Management; Digital Footprint/ Keeping your data safe; Social Media/Networking; Searching the web
  • Elements of a computer (hardware): The CPU; Understanding Binary; Binary Addition; Storage Devices; Convergence and New Technologies
  • Graphics: Vector graphics; Bitmap graphics; Conveying meaning; Effects and enhancements; Adding text; Use of whitespace; Movie Poster Project/Assessment
  • HTML: Intro to HTML; Formatting Images; Images continued; Hyperlinks; Mini project pt 1 & 2 [assessment]
  • Visual Programming With Scratch: Introduction to Programming; Variables and IF Statements; Variables pt 2 and Operators; The Scratch Calculator

Year 8:

  • Visual Programming Pt2: Skills Movement; Skills Scoring Items; Skills Programming Levels 1; Build/Review/Assess/Improve
  • Graphic Design Pt2: Recap vector & bitmap graphics; Copyright & digital identity; Magazine cover project
  • HTML Pt 2 & CSS: Remembering HTML and Introducing CSS; CSS; Backgrounds and Images; DIV Tags, Page Sections and CSS; CSS, DIVs and Layouts; Project - combining graphics from project above; Fix-it-5/Dirt - review and improve
  • Visual Programming using Kodu: Game Design – the brief; Game Plan – create your plan – including character; Game Creation – build it; Game Evaluation -  Fix-it-5/DiRT

Year 9

  • Modelling: Computer modelling; Financial model; “What if’ scenarios; Conditional formatting and validation; Macros and charts; Assessment; Real world modelling - Bridge Builder
  • Computer crime and cyber security: Email scams, virus's, trojans & worms; Hacking; Protecting personal data & identity; Copyright & Plagiarism; Health & Safety
  • [Mobile] App Development: Introduction to Apps; Home screen and navigation; Adding files, links and images; Map functions; Programming with Blockly; Publishing your App & evaluation of app (fix-it-5/DiRT)
  • Text Based Programming:Introduction to Python [text based programming]; Strings and variables; Numbers and arithmetic; Selection; Writing Algorithms; Loops [while & for]
  • Python Pt 2: Recap the basics & loops pt2; Lists; Procedures; Functions; Assessment (fix-it-5/DiRT)


Students choose Computer Science as an option.

The course follows the requirements of the OCR 9-1 GCSE Computing qualification.

The new OCR GCSE (9-1) Computer Science (from 2016) specification is split into three components:

  • Component 1: Computer Systems: focuses on Computer Systems and is written exam making up 40% of the assessment total. Knowledge of the hardware & software. Networks and routing.
  • Component 2: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming: is focused on computational thinking and algorithms. Students will be tested on the elements of computational thinking and logic. They are principally assessed as to their ability to write, correct and improve algorithms.
  • Component 3: Programming Project, this component is the non-exam assessment where candidates will be challenged by a range of exciting and engaging tasks to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned.


OCR AS/A Level Computer Science

This course has been updated to reflect new and emerging technologies. This course is for students who wish to go on to higher education courses or employment where a deeper knowledge and understanding of computing would be beneficial.

The focus has shifted towards computational thinking within the field of Computer Science, with its emphasis on abstract thinking and algorithmic problem-solving, it is a good foundation for understanding the technological challenges currently facing the industry.

Computer Science is also a practical subject where students can apply the computational thinking principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems.


In general homework is set once a week. Students are expected to access the computers in the school's library if they do not have these facilities at home.


E-records of student progress are updated regularly, and often at the end of each lesson. At present the department is developing systems which will allow for online access to these records by both the student and the parent, to engender further motivation and progress.


Computing Club - for all year groups on a Monday lunchtime.