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Examinations’ Information


Public examinations and Internal Assessments can be stressful for students, parents and carers so it is important that all those involved are as well informed as possible. Well informed students understand that the rules and regulations are designed to ensure fairness and minimise disturbance.

The school makes every effort to ensure that students receive the best possible preparation for their external exams, internal assessments and tests; that the administrative arrangements run smoothly; and that the assessments are conducted in a way that causes as little stress as possible, so that students achieve their full potential.

Students will receive an individual timetable for the exam series; a copy of the overall timetable is published on the website for both GCE and GCSE. Students are briefed, before the exams and assessments take place, on the rules, regulations and guidance outlined by the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications). Information on the rules, regulations and guidance can be located on the following tabs, we hope it will be helpful. We endeavour to keep the website updated to reflect the changing information as soon as we receive it.

If you have any questions please feel free to make enquiries of the Examinations Officer. The telephone number and email are below.

Telephone: 01628 483752

E-mail: exams@gms.bucks.sch.uk

On Examination days it is best to contact the school reception on 01628 483752 and leave a message for the Examinations Officer, since the main priority will be starting Examination sessions on time.


 Entrants and responsibilities

Who is responsible for the Exams

The Examinations Officer is responsible for administering all examination arrangements and for overseeing students during examinations, under direct responsibility from the Head of Centre, the Headteacher.

There is a team of adult invigilators who are present during the exams and who are supervised by the Examination Officer.


Who is entered for the exams

It is school policy to enter every student, who is being taught a subject, for the most appropriate level of examination. Only by exception, after consultation with parents and carers, and with the written consent of the headteacher, will students not be entered.


About Examinations

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Examination Timing

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Arrival at the Exam

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In the Exam

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Examination day

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Helping Students

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Revision & Assessment Information

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Exam Results

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Post Results Service

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Autumn Resits GCSE

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Certificate Information

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Returning Books

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Information for Candidates & Parent Carers

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