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Meet the Governors 

The Governing Body was constituted on 23th NovembEr 2013

The Governing Body is made up of 15 members

  • 1x Headteacher, whose place on the Governing Body is automatic unless declined
  • 1x Local Authority Governor who is appointed by the Local Authority and the appointment is confirmed by the Governing  
  • 1x Staff Governor who is elected by the school’s staff
  • 2x Parent Governors who are elected by the school’s parents and carers
  • 10 x Co-opted Governors who are appointed by the Governing Body
  • Associate members are not Governors, but may sit on the committees of the Governing Body and/or Full Governing Body, usually because they have specific knowledge and experience. There is no requirement to have Associate Members neither is there any limit to the number of Associate Governors that may sit on the Governing Body.


The Governing Board holds a minimum of 4 full Governing Board meetings per year: 1 per term, plus 1 full Governing Board business meeting in September.


  •  Lewis Court High School  has three Governing Body Committees:
    • Pupil and Welfare Committee (P&W) (L&M)
    • Teaching, Learning & Pupil Achievement (TL&PA)
  • Each committee holds a minimum of 3 meetings per year, 1 per term.

Pecuniary or Business Interests

  • All Governors and Associate Members are required to declare any pecuniary or business interests on their appointment, and also are reminded to update this information at every meeting of the Full Governing Body and its Committees.
  • The published register will be updated annually after the first meeting of the school year; however, any changes made during the year will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which they are declared.